FBAssist Tools can help!

FBAssist Tools turns your phone into a high-tech barcode scanner which can help your whole team pack and ship boxes faster, more efficiently than ever before.
Don't wait any longer to optimize your Amazon business!
Try our app for free today and experience the benefits for yourself!
(no credit card required)
How Does It Work?
Step 1. Create your Amazon Shipment
In your Amazon account, create your shipment as usual and generate an Excel file for your packing groups.
Step 2. Import your Excel file
Once imported into FBAssist Tools, your products will be available and you're ready to pack.
Step 3. Pack and scan your inventory
Packing couldn't be simpler! Scan all your items into boxes with our built-in barcode scanner. FBAssist Tools will do all the tracking for you.
Step 4. Generate your completed Excel file
When finished packing, FBAssist Tools will generate an Excel file with all your box content. Upload this to your Amazon Shipment and you're done!
The Benefits of our App

Save Money

Save Time

Avoid Mistakes